Tuesday, March 11, 2008

Dangers inherent in MySpace



Watching these clips, I was reminded of a story I had heard on the radio while driving into work last week. Apparently a man in his forties, posing as a 20-something supermodel on Facebook (with pictures he had procured from the net) had "lured" many young girls, between the ages of 14 and 18, into taking nude pictures of themselves and sending them to him. Hearing of the dangers inherent in cyberspace just screams for more active monitoring of children's time on the internet. We see how sites that are a massive social phenomenon amongst today's youth become the stalking grounds of perverted pedophiles. Parents, teachers and administrators could block such sites from computers in schools and the classroom, however, there would always be a friend who's computer would be waiting afterschool. Also, with Blackberry and cell phone surfing, blocking the exposure of children to such sites becomes virtually impossible. If they want to be there, they will find a way. I feel that we simply have to prepare them for the dangers inherent in the sites that they visit. This should involve frank discussions where factual information and such stories as the one I had heard on the radio are shared and questioning by students is encouraged.

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