Thursday, January 10, 2008

My Reflections - Assignment #1

I think that blogs are advantageous in that they entertain opinions and comments from sources outside of the immediate environment of the classroom. Anyone from anywhere may provide information and collaborate with the blogger, thus making an infinitely large classroom! In addition, blogs offer a vast explanse of space (compacted to an area the size of the computer the blogger is working on) for students to organize and view the assignments and work that they complete in their classes. This seems a much more efficient alternative to traditional hard-copy school work, which would eventually be misplaced, or thrown away. In essence, students who blog are generating an archive of their education!

Because the internet and blogging offer a "no holds barred" forum, students are open to cyber abuse and other bullying. If there are methods through which to close down access from outside sources, using such security measures would negate the advantage of having worldly offerings and opinions on student blogs. The blogs would have to be patrolled by us to ensure that these "contaminants" were dismissed from the forum.

Well, this concludes my initial thoughts on the idea of blogging and my first blog entry!! I'll be back in a couple of days with an article and some information to share with everyone.


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