Monday, January 21, 2008

Additional Criteria

So many excellent suggestions have been offered. I like Keethai's suggestion that the program be upgradeable and that this process be effortless to ensure that, as Mark said, the program is modern and up-to-date. Being user-friendly (with use and installation) and the quality of interactivity are important concerns surfacing throughout this discussion thread. Mike and Keethai also tapped into the importance of making sure the software is gender and culturally sensitive and neutral - providing depictions of people from varied ethnic backgrounds. Patricia offered important insights into the cost of the program and the "peripherals" such as upgrades that may be hidden initially, but absolutely essential to the longevity of the program.

Here are some additional was difficult for me to come up with some that didn't touch on something previously mentioned. Also, some of these ideas may actually be two or even three different categories within themselves.

Personalization - the program should be personalized to cater to the individual abilities/interests of its users. So, it should have a multitude of varied settings to appeal to the learner using it. Does the program scaffold the learner and adjust to their level to promote learning.

Goal Setting: Does the program motivate students to achieve a goal and adequately reward them for doing so. Does it take note of student progress?

Educational Value: Does the program offer clear learninggoals and adjust to the student by personalizing the program? Does the program continually challenge the learner to strengthen their grasp of the concepts introduced.

Methodology:Does the program encourage inquiry and respond with answers that can be understood by the learner. Does it teach what it sets out to teach?

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